A Tribute to Terry Walsh

Many of our longer-term club members will remember the early days of those unforgettable Saturday rides – a circular route into Burley for coffee, then back. Terry personally led them for many years in order to encourage everybody – young and old, fit and unfit – to get on their bikes and enjoy the pastime and sport that had brought him so much joy in his own life. He would spend much of his spare time leaving leaflets in bike shops, libraries, advertising his rides. You didn’t even have to worry about punctures or breakdowns because he would accompany every new rider and would have every conceivable item of repair kit in his tightly bulging saddle bag.

For many of us, Terry, you changed our lives.  Our heavy, old, rusty  bikes were gradually exchanged for shiny, new, super-light models and our baggy shorts and t-shirts were replaced by figure-hugging lycra bikewear – like you we had become “hooked on cycling”. Some of us even went on to take part in time trials and competitions.


Though we haven’t seen you for oh so long
We are terribly sad that you have gone
You taught us to ride through the woods and the trees
We had such fun cycling through the breeze
And when we got tired you helped us along
With a discoloured Mars Bar we could stay strong
So rest in peace dear Terry you were so good and kind
We are so grateful for the legacy you have left behind

Written by club member Marion Wells